GC > WAD > WAUM > SLNM Maranatha SDA Church OMEntityID: 42557   OrgMastID: A7WSMA
Maranatha Seventh-day Adventist Church
Street Address: 
off Freetown Road Lumley
Back of Lumley Police Station
Sierra Leone
Mail:  P.O. Box 294
c/o SDA Mission
Sierra Leone
Members 300
Phone:  +23278354569
Email:  (Edna Thomas)
Maps:  Google  (Español)  (Português)  (Français)  (Lat/Lon)  -  Bing
Directions:  West Spur Road to Freetown Road Lumley approaching the Lumley/Wilkinson road Turntable, enter the last drive on the right directly before the turntable and behind the Lumley Police Station. From Wilkinson Road approaching the Turntable, GT Bank in on the Right and the Stonefaced church can be seen on the left behind the Police Station
Lat/Lon:  Latitude: 8.453970, Longitude: -13.276350 , Source: Address
Services: 8:50 Sabbath School, Divine Worship 11:00, Wednesday Prayer Service 6:00
Language:  English , Krio
Conference:  Sierra Leone Conference
Union:  West African Union Mission
Division:  West-Central Africa Division (website)
Type:  Church (CCH)
Updated:  Wednesday, February 3, 2016
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