GC > ECD > STAU > ETZF Mwenge Seventh Day Adventist Church OMEntityID: 32803   OrgMastID: AFSEMW
Mwenge Seventh Day Adventist Church
Photo Needed
Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road
Dar es Salaam 32763
Phone:  +255-775-015415
Email:  (Church Elder)
Website:  http://www.mwengesdachurch.or.tz
Maps:  Google  (Español)  (Português)  (Français)  (Lat/Lon)  -  Bing
Directions:  Located at Mwenge 'village', 100 metres off Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road (New Bagamoyo Road), close to Mwenge Government Dispensary.
Lat/Lon:  Latitude: -6.798602, Longitude: 39.282416 , Source: Address
Services: Saturday: 9:00 am Sabbath School, 11 am Worship
Wednesday: 5:30 pm Prayer Service
Friday 6:30 pm Friday Vespers
Language:  Swahili , English (Translation)
Conference:  East-Central Tanzania Conference (website)
Union:  Southern Tanzania Union Mission
Division:  East-Central Africa Division (website)
Type:  Church (CCH)
Updated:  Sunday, October 20, 2013
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