GC > NAD > PAUC > NCAC The Haven Thrift OMEntityID: 143125   OrgMastID: ANPI2J
The Haven Thrift
Street Address: 
Photo Needed
700 Sunnyside Rd
Saint Helena CA 94574-9742
Mail:  15 Woodland Rd
Saint Helena CA 94574-9554
Phone:  650-224-9602
Maps:  Google  (Español)  (Português)  (Français)  (Lat/Lon)  -  Bing
Lat/Lon:  Latitude: 38.538876, Longitude: -122.468221 , Source: Address
Language:  English
Sunset:  5:39 PM   TimeZone: UTC-8
Conference:  Northern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (website)
Union:  Pacific Union Conference (website)
Division:  North American Division (website)
Type:  Community Center (XM)
Updated:  Thursday, April 14, 2022
Source:  eAdventist
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